Today I saw a guy at the gym and his shirt said "shut up and lift". I want that shirt! It reminded me of an old saying "weightlifting is not a hobby, it is a lifestyle." To many people stand around the weight room taking up 2-3 machines at a time. I just want to walk up to those people ans say hey " shut up and lift". Below are some tips to effective work outs. Some I’m sure you have seen before, but let this be a refresher.
- Only allow 1-1.30min between sets- Do not pace yourself!! that’s not why you are lifting. The first set should warm up your muscle and the second and third set should whip your butt. You will notice a serious weight drop with little rest, but that is what your muscles need.
- Don’t work out with the opposite sex!- This is a huge distraction. It will make it twice as hard to swallow your ego and so effect weight and reps. You will spend a lot of time talking with them wasting valuable time.
- Be careful with headphones- music is good it get you pumped and headphones say "don’t bother me I’m working out", however you may be more inclined to scroll through music or play on your iPod instead of focusing on your lift.
- Take Jack3d- this supplement will not help you build mass, but IT WILL help you focus and cut down the need for rest! drink lots of water!!!!!
- Try Niacin- this supplement will expand you blood vessels and allow other nutrients and blood to flow faster. take 250mg or less the first several times drink lots of water!!!!!
- Workout legs on their own day- legs should be the most exhausting workout you shouldn’t be able to do anything else
- Decline bench- this may be the most effective chest exercise. Incline bench puts a lot of stress on your shoulders.
- Isolate back- don’t use your arms! Back Only!
A significant amount of my information is from and life experience. good luck, go hard!!